I for Index

Philip Poppek

I for Index

August 9 – August 14, 2018

The sounds reach into the outer cave,
echoing from the walls and forming into words:
We, You, I, Community, No, Yes, Perhaps, Arm, Leg, tomato, tomato.


A consensus on the course of action is reached,
at least with pain as interpretant.
A break in the endless chain of signifying signs
in practical communication.
And that goes for: foxes, trolls, elves, babies and officials.
For all bodyhavers,
when, after a quickly executed motion,
one foot stops abruptly,
at jeans and periosteum.


A basis for an understanding within varying
and alteritous character strings,
in the indisputability of our bodies in this split world.
Is the smallest common denominator
the kick in the shins?

(excerpt from letter for a)